Ah… Finally, spring is here, and all I want is to invite and bring it into our house and share it with our guests in this beautiful sunny California afternoon. I love bright colors – they create moods. Colors tell you to be happy or sad, to be up or down. I love yellow and white, and I like the contrast they always create. For these arrangements, I drove all the way to the San Diego flower market just to buy the flowers. I know you’re asking, “Why drive all this distance from Orance County to San Diego?” Well, I will tell you that for me, walking in those endless aisles of that flower market is like you are strolling in the Garden of Eden. The scents, the colors – wow. I love it.
When you bring home any type of flowers, such as these, as you clean them, you realize they are meant to be used more as a free form. You cannot really be a perfectionist and try to mess with them too much to arrange them neatly. It’s like they have a mind of their own. Just try to arrange them more spontaneously and more free-form, like you just picked them from your own garden . Pictured above, you can see that amongst my arrangements, I filled up the table with several simple vegetables dips. Also, earlier that day, I had picked up a wild sort of twig-kind of basket from the flower market. I used this basket to display another yellow element of mine for that day – lemons. I continued the same theme of of white and yellow as much as I could, carrying it onto my dishes. I even wore my yellow flats that afternoon to complete the mood.
Tags: Demossa Gallery, Design, Exhibitions & Events, Floral arrangements, Flowers, Flowers As Art, interior design
Posted in Home & Design, Welcome to My House |
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