The sky is changing color. It is now cloudy, and the clouds are all dark gray. All day, they have been heavy and wet and have had every intention to rain, but I guess they changed their minds at the last minute. Today is the first day of this new year, and I am sitting in front of my computer waiting for a large file to download. Meanwhile, I am just contemplating on life itself and the year 2016, which came in like a tornado, took us all for a roller coaster ride, and walked out on us in a great hurry without looking back.
It’s true that our lives are like a river, which can only forcefully go forward and certainly not return. So let’s not live in the past. Let’s just enjoy this very moment. Let’s just be happy this very minute, which is the only tangible thing we have.
We are all invited to this bountiful and plentiful universe. Let’s all celebrate and pursue happiness at all times. Let’s look for happiness in everything — big and small, for it seems happiness has been playing hide and seek with us forever. Happiness is so clever. It is capable of hiding just about anywhere, even in places like your cup of coffee or a hug from a friend. Let’s just go happiness hunting in 2017, or let’s even do better and try to be happy for just no reason.
Myself, I am always looking for everything funny in my life. Even in the darkest moments, I still find something to smile about. I am a collector of smiles and hearts — I find them everywhere I go. Like a child collecting shells on the beach, I keep them in the glass jar of my memory so that in the end, when I look back, I can smile and be certain that my life itself was lighthearted and just a comedy, which at times turned into a tragedy only for the sake of my natural need to balance my joys with my pains, just so I could experience tears as well as laughter. I know one thing: happiness is not about avoiding pain. After all, life — it is not all black, nor is it all white. Life is black and white, with some gray shades in the middle and everything presented to us is like salt, sugar, and spices and all the other ingredients. Our job here is to mix them together to create our omelet of life. If it so happens, at times, that the taste of our omelet is too salty or too bitter, let’s all pretend to be warriors. Let’s all pretend to be brave soldiers who endure, and when we come back from a battle, hold our heads up and hide our scars behind our smiles.
Let’s learn how to eat the icing and throw away the rest of the cake, throw away all the negativities of life, and instead, ask for everything! Let’s believe that our lives will not be about the worries and the struggles. Let’s just learn how to spoil, pamper, and love ourselves! Let’s be like a student who has studied all her lessons and has done all her homework that now she just wants to go out and play and eat the cookies without feeling guilty.
There is so much more on my mind that I could write on this gloomy afternoon for hours to come, but never mind. Looking at my computer desktop, my file has already downloaded, and looking out of the window at the sky, it seems like finally the gray clouds did manage to make up their mind. It is now pouring rain!
Tags: 2017, Mahvash, Mahvash Mossaed, The Way I See it
Posted in Mahvash Mossaed, Miscellaneous & Opinion |
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